Featuring introduction, demonstration, and hands-on experience of Wadaiko and other instruments.
We have designed workshops for elementary, junior high, and high school teachers, foreigners (in English), senior citizens, etc.
-Wadaiko Experience Plan-
- Demonstration
- Introduction to Wadaiko
- How to drum
- Drum maintenance
- Hands-on Wadaiko experience with simple songs
-Wagakki (Japanese instruments) Introduction Plan-
- Demonstration
- Introduction to various Japanese instruments
- Maintenance
- Hands-on experience of Japanese instruments
・Nagado-Daiko ・Shime-Daiko ・Okedo ・Gaku-Daiko ・Kotsuzumi ・Ohtsuzumi ・Hyoushigi ・Kin ・Mokugyo ・Mokusyo ・Matsumushi ・Atari-gane ・Chappa ・Noukan ・Shino-bue ・Kotori-bue ・Hora-gai etc...
・Nagado-Daiko ・Shime-Daiko ・Okedo ・Gaku-Daiko ・Kotsuzumi ・Ohtsuzumi ・Hyoushigi ・Kin ・Mokugyo ・Mokusyo ・Matsumushi ・Atari-gane ・Chappa ・Noukan ・Shino-bue ・Kotori-bue ・Hora-gai etc...
-Target Audience-
Inquiry / Request for Information
- Elementary, junior high, and high school teachers
- Foreigners (in English)
- Senior Citizens
We will design other plans on your requests.
Yukihiro Miyauchi
at Yokohama Asahi Hospital
Black Eyed Peas Workshop